Homepage - State Office for Central Police Services

Homepage - State Office for Central Police Services

Press releases of the State Office for Central Police Services

Im International Police Cooperation Center (IPCC ) 2024 dreht sich während der UEFA EURO 2024 alles um das Thema Sicherheit. Das IPCC 2024 hat die Aufgabe alle lagerelevanten polizeilichen Informationen zu den Spielen der UEFA EURO 2024 in Deutschland zu sammeln, zu bewerten und zu steuern und somit...
  • Eines der LZPD-Gebäude von der Wasserseite aus fotografiert

    What are the tasks of the State Office for Central Police Services? We answer this question in our new image film. We are not known from crime thrillers or action series. But we play a key role in the NRW police force. “No mission without us” is therefore our motto. See for yo...

    Are you looking for a great place to work? Then you've come to the right place! Around 1,600 employees work at the LZPD NRW at ten locations in over 40 different professions. As a higher state authority with an enormous variety of tasks, we are one of the most exciting and secure employers for a ...
    As a central service unit within the NRW police force, we support police work on the ground by developing and procuring state-of-the-art technology and equipment.
    Read our image brochure to find out what we do and what our heart beats for. From IT and technology to operations and traffic to special tasks in the administrative area of the police, we have a lot to offer. We are the (digital) heart of the police in North Rhine-Westphalia. Curious? Click here.
"NRW shows respect!"
With a vintage truck, the police in NRW invite you to a coffee and conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.
State campaigns
of the Police NRW
on social media
The State Office for Central Police Services also posts for you on Facebook. Please note the data protection information in this article.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110