NRW police get mobile video surveillance systems

Trailer for mobile video observation
NRW police get mobile video surveillance systems
LZPD NRW ensures optimum equipment.

The NRW State Office for Central Police Services has developed video surveillance systems that can be used in future at crime hotspots or major events. Ten of these car trailers are ready for use.

The video surveillance systems were developed by the LZPD NRW specifically for the needs of the North Rhine-Westphalian police. Each system is equipped with six cameras and can operate autonomously for at least ten days without a power supply. The mast with the cameras can be extended up to five meters high. To protect against vandalism, the video surveillance systems are equipped with security systems and an alarm system.

The live images are viewed by trained police officers and can only be viewed by the police. The legal basis for the use of the systems can be found in sections 15 and 15a of the Police Act. Data protection regulations are guaranteed. Conspicuous stickers on the trailers and comprehensive signage indicate that video surveillance is taking place. In addition, areas that may not be filmed are blacked out before the devices are used, making them unrecognizable.

The mobile video surveillance systems have been developed in such a way that they can be used flexibly and as required in all 47 district police authorities. The LZPD NRW is responsible for issuing the devices. These can be requested by the police authorities and borrowed for a limited period


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