Police IT

Graphic of an it control center
Police IT
Our area of expertise: planning, development and support of police IT applications, IT security, data centers and 24-hour IT service.

The development of IT plays an important role in the North Rhine-Westphalian police force. Modern technologies are part of high-quality equipment and modern operational concepts. We put IT into operation and take care of the development of the necessary processes. The LZPD NRW is the central service partner for all operational aspects of the IT infrastructure of the NRW police. The specialist applications are available to all police employees throughout the state in one of the world's largest domain structures.

We offer more than 100 central police-specific IT solutions for all police authorities. The further development of this complex application landscape regularly takes place via so-called state projects with budgets in the multi-digit million range. We are involved in IT analysis, software architecture and software development as well as test and quality management. We provide support from analysis to system design, the procurement of hardware and software with subsequent testing and piloting phases through to the operation of the infrastructure and police applications.

IT operations

Around 43,000 individual computers and 2,400 servers, including IT applications and server landscapes, need to be monitored and supported around the clock. We eliminate faults, guarantee smooth data management and ensure that police hardware, from tablets to desktop PCs, is updated periodically. Once deployed, solutions must be monitored, often around the clock.

24- hours IT operations

Our IT control center performs a special service function. Incidents that occur require an immediate determination of the cause and access to multi-level service levels for rapid troubleshooting or the provision of alternative solutions. Our 24-hour IT control center operates 365 days a year and monitors the entire computer landscape of the NRW police in close cooperation with all police authorities as a state-wide contact for all IT matters.

IT planning

Precise planning and IT strategies are required for IT innovations for the NRW police to grow and become firmly established. To this end, we work together with external companies and continuously work on the growing requirements. IT security is an essential component of IT work in the police force. 

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110