Digital radio device
Digital radio technology and communication
We guarantee a functioning communications infrastructure for the police and for authorities and organizations with security tasks, such as the fire department.

This includes work on the police communication networks, the corporate network, all police telecommunications systems, the expansion of control center technology and the operation of the digital radio network.

The LZPD NRW is responsible for the operation and further development of the tap-proof digital radio network in NRW. And not only for the police, but also for the fire departments, rescue services and aid organizations as well as the justice system in NRW. The federal government and the 16 federal states jointly operate the BOS digital radio network. The Federal Agency for Digital Radio for Public Safety Authorities (BDBOS) is responsible for the core network, while the federal states are responsible for the access networks. Over 4,500 base stations have been set up nationwide for this purpose, more than 470 of them in North Rhine-Westphalia alone, which we look after.

An “Authorized Body” has been set up in each of the federal states as the operational and tactical decision-making authority for digital radio. The Authorized Body NRW is part of the LZPD NRW. Here, technical specialists, police officers and experts from the fire department work together to ensure the functionality, operation and further development of digital radio.

IT network and telecommunications systems

Our communications specialists not only ensure that the NRW police digital radio network runs smoothly, but also that it is constantly optimized and expanded. The network is constantly being further developed with a view to fast and secure data exchange for broadband applications.

The corporate network is the backbone of all police IT applications of the NRW police. This network is managed by us so that all police authorities in NRW are securely connected.  Our tasks include working on data lines and operating routers and switches. The network is constantly evolving to meet future police requirements. In addition, the LZPD NRW equips all police stations with state-of-the-art telecommunications equipment.

Control center technology

The LZPD NRW develops and operates a state-of-the-art, uniform control center technology for 50 police authorities in NRW, which is connected to all communication networks including digital radio. In addition, our experts are also responsible for the technical connection of around 60 fire department control centers to the digital radio network. Engineers and technicians also equip all control centers and stations with building technology, such as door intercom systems or media technology.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110