Central tasks

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Central tasks
We procure operational equipment throughout the state and manage the entire police billing system in NRW.

The entire spectrum of police IT, technology and resources is procured centrally by us at the LZPD NRW. This centralization enables us to achieve the greatest possible synergy effect in the procurement of technology and equipment in NRW, both in terms of quantity and quality. All the necessary technical, procurement and logistical expertise is pooled at our company. In this way, we relieve the local police authorities of special legal and procedural work, set standards and maintain an overview of the procurement requirements of all operational areas.

Over 30,000 business partners work with the NRW police. By centralizing the accounting of the North Rhine-Westphalian police in our company, we guarantee standardized invoice processing. Every year, we carry out procurement measures amounting to around 190 million euros.

Police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia work in around 1,100 exclusively rented buildings or parts of buildings with a total of around 1.2 million square meters of usable space. We support the district police authorities in coordinating their affairs, formulating their requirements, advising them in the rental process and creating uniform construction standards in order to be able to meet current and future property needs and police requirements economically and appropriately.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110