Apprenticeship at the LZPD NRW

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Apprenticeship at the LZPD NRW
Over 35 trainees are starting their careers with us now and in the future

Due to the wide range of tasks, around 40 different professional groups work at the LZPD NRW. In addition to police officers and administrative officers, professions from the following areas are represented here, for example: Aircraft mechanics, weapons mechanics, automotive mechatronics, administration, law and economics, IT, engineering, communications technology, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and many more...

This diversity is also reflected in the apprenticeships on offer. This year, we are training ten automotive mechatronics technicians, three IT systems electronics technicians and two IT specialists. Since August 2, the automotive mechatronics technician training has been taking place in the workshops of our five branches. The other two IT apprenticeships are being held at the main location in Duisburg.

However, the LZPD NRW is going one step further and is also offering a dual course of study in cooperation with Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Last year was the premiere. In September, more than 20 students began their dual training as administrative IT specialists.

The high number of applicants each year shows this: The LZPD NRW is one of the most interesting and diverse training authorities within the NRW police force.

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