IHK guild best Jan Niklas Palm and Axel Büscher
Another guild best in the LZPD NRW
Once again, Jan Niklas Palm from the Brühl branch proved that the training at the LZPD NRW is brilliant.

On March 17, 2018, the Rhein-Erft Motor Vehicle Guild hosted a ceremony to mark the graduation and presentation of the journeyman's certificate for a total of 45 "young journeymen" in the automotive mechatronics trade.

Among the former trainees was Jan Niklas Palm, who completed his apprenticeship at the Brühl branch of the LZPD NRW and was able to complete his journeyman's examination as the best in the guild (grade: very good).

Jan Niklas Palm was recognized and specially honored for this outstanding achievement during the award ceremony.

The entire LZPD NRW and especially the colleagues in Brühl congratulate Jan Niklas on passing his journeyman's examination and warmly welcome him to the circle of LZPD motor vehicle mechatronics technicians.


(Photo: Jan Niklas Palm on the left, PHK Axel Büscher on the right)

More about training at the LZPD NRW

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