Start of training at LZPD NRW

Start of training 2019 at LZPD NRW
Start of training at LZPD NRW
Seven new trainees start their training at the LZPD NRW in August

And as you can see: Apprenticeship years are obviously "master years" after all. Seven young men are starting their training at the LZPD NRW this summer. Whether as an automotive mechatronics technician, electronics technician for devices and systems, IT specialist for application development, IT specialist for system integration or IT systems electronics technician - a new phase of life is now beginning for all of them.

Training at the LZPD NRW offers the highest quality, which is proven time and again by IHK awards for our trainees.

Find out more about the new apprenticeships

The apprenticeships section offers a comprehensive collection of information.

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