Press and public relations

Woman holding sign with the words Press and Public Relations
Press and public relations
At the LZPD NRW, press and public relations work hand in hand.

We answer all media inquiries centrally for our company or provide a contact person. For specific inquiries, we involve the relevant specialist department and thus ensure a transparent picture of our authority and its tasks.
As a media representative, we are available to answer your questions about state-wide topics relating to the NRW police, such as equipment, operational technology, digitalization and communication.

Internal public relations work also plays a major role for us. We are responsible for maintaining the internal police intranet and our external website. As an editorial team, we produce the staff newspaper LZPD-KOMPAKT and work on exciting articles about our company and our colleagues.
We offer our departments and major projects an image and media service, provide support with conceptual work and produce a wide range of print products, such as flyers and brochures. Our tasks also include video contributions for our social media channels and their support. We also plan and support all film productions for the nationwide LZPD topics.
In addition, our public relations department organizes government events, looks after visitor groups and advises the departments on all internal and external presentation issues.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110