Our trainees are the best

The best guild member of 2021 stands in front of a patrol car
Our trainees are the best
Carl Louis Ahmann completed his training as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician as the best in the guild.

Most trainees aim for a good degree. Carl Louis Ahmann wanted more and achieved it: he was “the best” among those taking the exams at the guilds of the Coesfeld district craftsmen's association. In 2017, Carl Louis Ahmann began his training as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician at the LZPD NRW branch in Selm. He didn't have to think long about his career choice. ” I've always been interested in cars and therefore chose technology as my main subject at secondary school. Together with my father, I repaired everything on our Mercedes W 124 myself,” he answers when asked what appeals to him about the profession.

The LZPD NRW is proud of the outstanding achievements of its young trainees. In the past, there have already been a number of trainees who have achieved above-average results in their professions. Some, like Carl Louis Ahmann, have also succeeded in becoming the best in their guild. 
Committed trainers, a great team and a good working atmosphere often contribute to these results. This is also the case in Selm: “What I particularly like about my job is the varied range of tasks, our ‘top team’ in the branch and the ongoing technical training,” says Carl Louis Ahmann.

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